Manager Electrical > 온라인 제품문의

Manager Electrical > 온라인 제품문의

Online Enquiry

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온라인 제품문의

Manager Electrical

페이지 정보

Writer RegDate20-08-06 21:40 views1,716 times comment0



Dear Sir,
We, SembCorp Gulf O & M Company, 100% subsidiary of SembCorp Industries, Singapore are responsible for O&M of 880MW capacity power plant & 100MIGD capacity water plant in Fujairah-UAE.
Our plant is equipped with Hyundai Make Power transformers 15 nos which were supplied during year 2002. We have found from our data base that Transformers are in service with Michang make Transformer Oil - Type HDT-M as per attached specification.
Further we would like to know that
(1) Is HDT-M Oil is Uninhibited or Inhibited Oil ?
(2) Is Michang can supply HDT-M Oil ? If yes do you suggest any Distributor available in UAE/Middle East?
(3) We understand that HDT-M Oil can be mixed with Shell Diall-B Oil. However now days Shell Dialla-B oil is obsolete / not available in market. In this case which other type of oil can be mixed with existing oil without any adverse effect ?
Thanks + Regards, ,


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